I believe many of us have become complacent and think that the words that come out of our mouth isn't important. I will admit that I sometimes become frustrated or angry and say things I shouldn't. I've been working very hard on that. I almost have it conquered. So, what I'm about to say isn't meant to point a finger at anyone because when I point a finger at you, I'm pointing 4 more back at me. There have been many times that I've asked God to put His arm around me shoulder and hand over my mouth.
I remember many things from my days as a summer church camp director. The one thing I remember the most is a video of Florence Littauer giving a mini-sermon on Ephesians 4:29. I love The Message version of this verse that I memorized in the New International Version. The Message says, "Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift." Florence talks about our words being like silver boxes neatly tied with a bow that we give to everyone we speak to. We would show this video to our staff of counselors and tell them to think of everything they said to their campers during the next week and make sure they were giving silver boxes rather than paper bags.

From this day forward, I will NOT be complacent about this. I don't care how hard I stub my toe or how hard I hit the corner of the door when I turn too quickly. I will not say things I shouldn't! No matter how angry I get at the slow driver in front of me or the long lines at Walmart. I won't say nasty words. Will you join me in this commitment to uphold each and every Commandment God gave Moses on top of the mountain or will you continue to let yourself believe that they no longer apply because they're so old? The choice is yours. Your future depends on your decision.