Today is my Mom's 80th birthday. I called her this morning and started singing "Happy Birthday" to her when she answered. She started laughing hysterically! I couldn't figure out why she was laughing...until she said, "I forgot it was even my birthday!" Folks, I haven't gotten to the point in my life where I forget my birthday yet. In fact, I still want everyone in my path know when it's my birthday. It's the only day I want to be the center of attention.
However, my sweet parents forget when it's their birthday. (My dad will be 80 next week. I already told him to soak up every minute of pointing out he's in his 70s and she's 80). Knowing I couldn't do much for her birthday, I told them to meet me at the grocery store near us which has a Starbucks in it. I figured the least I could do was buy them some good coffee to celebrate.

While we were there, they told me that their outside light (a gas light that's been there for at least my whole life) had been blown out by the strong winds overnight. Dad turned the gas off until the mantles could be replaced. Of course, he is missing a thumb on one hand and can't begin to tie the mantles onto the brackets. But I can :) Oh, and I failed to mention that the heat source in their family room is a gas stove that was now off due to the gas needing to be turned off. Anyway, after coffee, I stopped by, tied the mantles onto the brackets, put them on the light, had him turn the gas back on, I lit the mantles and replaced the gas. Then I went in and got their stove going so they could be warm tonight.
Buying a couple cups of coffee. Tying on some mantles, Getting an outside light back on. Getting a heating stove going. Simple things, right? To me they were. To my Mom (and Dad) they were a huge way to celebrate her birthday!
So, to my Grandma and Grandpa who raised her and my Uncle who graciously didn't kill his big sister (even though I'm sure there were plenty of times he wanted to), I say. "Thank you!!" To my Mom (who won't see this because she's lucky she knows how to check her e-mail), I say, "Happy birthday!!" To each of you reading this I say, "Do things for others even if they seem simple to you. To someone else it might mean the world!"