So, this blog was God's idea. He's supposed to tell me what to write each week. I've been asking Him all day and evening to tell me what I'm supposed to write. Nothing is coming. Part of me thinks God is done with the blog. But then He keeps saying, "Write." I ask Him what to write and He just says, "Write." I have nothing deeply profound to say. I feel like Moses. I'm not an eloquent speaker. I try to tell God He should ask someone else to blog every week. But here I am. I'll write.
I have lots of blogs I follow. Most of them are teacher blogs. That only makes sense, right? I have a few Bible study blogs, homeschool blogs, recipe blogs, etc. I follow blogs of friends who are far away. I spend time every day sifting through Facebook notifications, blog posts, Tweets, Pinterest pins and e-mails. A former professor writes a blog every week day. He offers thoughts on the Bible in 300 words 5 days a week. I'm always interested in his perspective. Some days are more profound than others. Today was one of those days.

He's spent the past 4 days sharing a bit from a Bible study on 2 Timothy. Today, he challenged me (and every other reader) to do something extraordinary...he challenged us to read 2 Timothy - OUT LOUD!! The whole book. Beginning to end. OUT LOUD!! Guess what? I did it! I came home from work, did my chores, and I read 2 Timothy out loud. It was just me at home (had anyone else been home they made have ordered me a little white coat that helps me hug myself). I must say it was a pretty incredible way to read scripture. Have you ever felt like you were in the skin of one of the Bible's main characters? I did this afternoon. Paul wrote this letter to Timothy. Honestly, it never occurred to me that this letter may be much like we might receive from a missionary. He gave Timothy ministry updates, made him aware of upcoming struggles or obstacles to the ministry and ended by asking Timothy to bring some supplies when he comes. I've never read it that way before.
So, may I offer you a challenge? Read one of Paul's letters out loud. Read any part of the Bible out loud. Today, my trip through the Bible took me through Exodus. Let me say that I find many of the books of the Old Testament to be boring. I'm ashamed to admit that to you. But those rules and regulations they had back then for offerings and how they had to adorn themselves, etc just gets dull. Sometimes I feel like I'm plodding through. Today, I applied Jon's challenge to my daily reading as well. Exodus is a very powerful book. So friends, I ask you to read from the Bible out loud. I'm not asking you to get a microphone and stand on a street corner. I'm not saying I want you to shout it out while sitting in Starbucks. In the quietness of your bedroom or living room, in your car, wherever you are reading the some OUT LOUD! It's deeply refreshing!
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