Thursday, April 19, 2018

Don’t Listen

Some days it’s hard to hear the still, small voice of Jesus as He whispers, “Peace. Be still.” Those whispers seem to be drowned out by shouts of criticism, doubt and dislike by people around us. Those shouts are tools of Satan that he uses to try and break us down and draw us away from a loving God. God has much bigger plans for us than to have Satan continually drag us down. 

I picture Satan dragging me through the mud by my hair, much like we’ve seen cavemen depicted as doing in movies and shows. Perhaps those cavewomen weren’t strong enough to reach out and grab a branch and resist. Maybe there wasn’t a branch within reach.

But I have a Vine that I can reach out to. He’s always within reach, if only I will stretch out my hand and grab onto His. He will always rescue me from Satan’s grasp.

There will always be people who will tell you you’re not good enough. But that’s a lie! Jesus died on the cross because we’re all good enough! You’re the apple of His eye. Nothing you’ve ever done or ever will do makes you worthy of His sacrifice. That’s why it’s called “grace” - it’s an undeserved gift. 

Don’t ever let people bring you down through their criticism. If they don’t like you, they can choose to stay away from you. Fact is, Jesus loves you and longs to spend time with you. Listen carefully- you’ll hear Him calling your name.
Fear is a Liar - Zach Williams

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