Thursday, December 26, 2013

Embrace the Spirit of Christmas

As we closed out Christmas day yesterday and I felt the depression I always feel when Christmas is over, a thought occurred to me. Why do we think we need a particular time of the year to be joyful, kind, caring, thoughtful, compassionate, etc? Why is it that this time of year people seem to think more about others than they do the rest of the year? Why do so many think that this is the only time of the year people need love? So I've made a decision. I'm going to hang on to the spirit of Christmas all year long. I'll let people know I care. I'll take a few minutes to actually listen for a person's answer to my question, "How are you?" I'll take time to ask a hurting friend how I can pray for them.

You may find my Christmas tree up a little longer than normal. You'll most likely find me wearing a pair of Christmas socks in April or using a Christmas mug in July. Does it really matter? No! I'll still stick to my no-buying-anything-Christmas-until-after-Thanksgiving thing. However, I won't hesitate to show my Christmas spirit the other 364 days of the year. So, Merry Day-After-Christmas! Keep that spirit alive. Christ didn't come to earth as a baby just for one day a year. So, why should we celebrate Him only on one day?


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Using All Your Senses As You Shovel

So, I was out shoveling when I got home from work (which I'm not technically supposed to do but I must confess I enjoy it) and decided to challenge myself. I wanted to see if I could use all 5 senses as I was shoveling. Let's see:
1. Sight - I could see the large snow flakes falling through the air. I saw my breath each time I exhaled. I saw the shovel cut through the fluffy mounds of snow. I saw the rocks, grass and dirt that make up our driveway appear with each shovel full of snow I removed.
2. Smell - I could smell the exhaust of cars and trucks passing by. I could smell the leaves hanging on our ornamental pear tree that are trying to muster up the strength to fall.
3. Hearing - I could hear the scrape of the shovel against the ground under the snow. I could hear the wind through the trees. I could hear passing traffic. I could hear a train. I could hear the worship music pouring into my ears through my ear buds.
4. Taste - This one was a little tougher to think about. However, I could taste the snowflakes that blew into my mouth as I was shoveling. I could almost taste the coffee I was going to drink when I came inside. :)
5. Touch (feel) - I could feel the pain building in my body as I continued shoveling. I could feel the heaviness of the shovel as it filled with snow. I could feel the cold air against my face. I could feel my legs getting cold from the snow blowing onto my pants. Most of all, I could feel a strong sense of pride in the accomplishment of clearing the entire driveway.

Now as I sit here on the couch, I see and hear the TV as I'm watching The Making of The Sound of Music Live! I smell the conditioner I put in my hair earlier. I also smell the coffee sitting next to me on the credenza. I can also taste the coffee as I keep taking sips of it. I can feel the love of my husband, the keys under my fingers as I'm typing and the comfort of my soft couch as I relax to usher in my 4-day Thanksgiving break! Thank you, Lord, for giving my these 5 senses to enjoy the world around me. Help me to never take this for granted.

I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Remember to stop and realize how much you truly have to be thankful for.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Moving On

Just a quick post to share a brief thought for the day. A few weeks ago, my husband and I noticed some people who appeared to be living deep in the heart of the local county park where we walk. They were very well hidden and seemed to have a fairly elaborate camp set up as if they had been there for awhile. A couple weeks ago, my daughter and I took a walk and realized they were still there. My daughter, who has a natural heart of compassion, decided we should take clothes and some canned goods to them. We bagged up a 30-gallon trash bag full of sweaters, blankets, jackets and shirts along with some pop-top ans of fruit and took it back to the park. Yes, it was a heavy load to carry through the park. But when we left it in a discreet spot where our friends would see it but no one else would, it was an incredible feeling.

Today, we went for our walk in the woods. When we got to the spot where our friends had been camping and saw the spot empty but for 2 camping chairs, a small cooler and a couple shirts, I was devastated. My thoughts immediately went to someone with a cruel heart finding them and reporting them. The fact that a few things were left behind worries me that they had to leave in a rush. However, my hope and prayer is that they found help or a home somewhere safe and warm. I stood on the hill overlooking their former campsite, wept and said a prayer for their protection. I am certain we will never know what happened to those people. But I know that God has them in the shadow of His hand. I know He will watch over them wherever they are and wherever they go.

Oh, and the bag of stuff we took...I know they got it. It's nowhere to be found but we did find one of the shirts there. Yep, it still feels good to know we "fed and clothed the least of these."
Some of the remnants left behind by our friends.

Someone else must have left something for our friends. We found this note near the campsite. Made us happy to know we're not the only ones around who care about others.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Are You Looking At?

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face; and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."

What are your eyes focused on today? Many people have their eyes set on fame and fortune. I'm a teacher so I clearly don't fit into that group. Others are focused on the latest and greatest car, phone or computer. Nope, that's not me either. Still others are focused on pleasing people. Yep, that's me. I've always been a people-pleaser. Please my parents. Please my teachers. Please my family. Please my employers. Now, I'm not saying I'm going to be a rebel or rule-beaker. I'm not saying I don't care how people feel or what they think. However, my eyes now have a new focus. My eyes are firmly set on Jesus and pleasing Him. It is my desire to bring honor and glory to Him. So, what are your eyes set on today? Do you need to re-focus your vision like I did? It's never too late until you draw your last breath.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Least of These

We read the story in the book of Matthew. Jesus is telling the story of the sheep and the goats. He splits the people into two groups - the "sheep" on the right and the "goats" on the left. He blesses those on the right, saying "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me,I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ (Matt. 25:35-36). The people asks Jesus when they did this. His reply is, 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 

Have you ever had the chance to "do for one of the least of these..." before? My daughter and I had the chance to do it today. Let me first tell you she had the idea of it on her own. I jumped at it when she suggested it. I'm not saying much about it because she has wisely decided to not boast about what we did. However, I have to say that I saw more of an "adult" act out of my 18 year old today that I see out of many older people. She saw a need, Jesus spoke to her, and she acted on it. It was a selfless moment for her. She literally gave out of her plenty to benefit some people who were lacking. Yes, I was a part of the process. However, what she came up with on her own never entered my brain even though this wasn't the first time I've seen the need. I have perhaps never been so proud to be the mother of an amazing young woman. She truly is striving to be the woman God desires her to be. 
Me with my daughter. I love spending time with this young lady. Besides my husband, she truly is my best friend. How many moms can say that?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Road Less Traveled

In this fast-paced world, people tend to stay away from the back roads. We like to be where the action is. We like to take the quick route to our destination. This afternoon, my husband and I took the road less traveled.

We went to our local county park where there is a back way with free access. From the spot where we park, there are two ways to go. We always go the way everyone else seems to go. It takes you directly into the park itself. But today we decided to go the "other way."

We had never gone this other way before so we had no idea what to expect. It's obvious this way isn't as popular. But I can tell you it's not the last time we'll go that way. Sometimes taking the road less traveled means you'll see things God has waiting for you that you would miss if you go the other way.

There were many winding paths. I had to completely rely on my husband to find our way back out as I would have easily been lost. That complete reliance is vitally important. I realize I need to completely rely on God and the wonderful man He's placed in my life. I realized that in a tangible way today.

At one spot, we saw where some people were living by the creek in a remote part of the park. They had an elaborate camp set up. While I was stunned to see this, I realized I needed to pray for these people. Consider them added to my prayer list.

Learning complete trust and reliance in God and my husband...the value and importance of prayer- even for people I don't know-...these are lessons God had waiting for me. I had to take the road less traveled in order to learn them.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Calling Heaven

Have you ever wished you could make a phone call to heaven? I do every once in awhile. Today is one of those days. Yes, I have plenty of things to ask Jesus when I get to heaven. These phone calls I want to make are for people who have gone before me.

I lost one of my best friends when we were barely 19. I lost the last of my grandparents before I was 31. I have lots of questions for these 5 amazing people as well as things I want to tell them.

I want to ask my Grandma D. how to make her banana split dessert. I want to go for one more root beer with her. I want to tell her all about my classroom and my students. I want to tell her I have lily of the valley planted in her memory. I want to ask Grandpa D. to explain some more scripture to me. I want to hear him say one more time, "You can turn now. There's only two ambulances, three fire trucks and a helicopter coming." I want to tell him I'm reading the Bible more and more every day. I want to tell him I refuse to take his nativity scene down now.

I want to ask my Grandma H. for teaching ideas. I want her to tell me abut teaching "back in the day" and tell her about my experiences. I want to make play dough with her one more time. I want my Grandpa H. To walk me through his farm fields one more time.

I want to go see a movie with Anne. I want to try on every pair of sunglasses on the rack at the store. I want to skip through the aisles of the grocery store with her. I want to introduce her to my husband and kids. I want to have pizza and ice cream with her, I want to laugh until we cry.

Most of all, I want them ask to tell me what heaven is like. But, there is no phone in heaven. So I'll keep living my life to be worthy of heaven when I die. Then I'll find out for myself...and give 5 amazing people the decades' worth of hugs I've missed giving them. I miss you, Grandma and Grandpa D, Grandma and Grandpa H, and Anne. I love you all!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Are You On Track?

As I sat waiting for a train to pass today, I couldn't help but think about derailments. Many dangers exist with trains. If just one wheel gets off track, it can set off a tragic chain reaction. It takes a lot of work to get it back on track.

Our lives are the same way. If we get off track just a little bit, it can set off a dangerous chain reaction. Thankfully, we are able to get back on track with God's help if we will only let Him do what He needs to. We need to completely surrender our lives to Him. I have had times in my life where I have had to ask God to get me back on track. He never gets tired of us asking for that. He is always ready to help us if we will just ask.

If your life has gotten off track, ask God to get you back on track. Avoid a spiritual derailment.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Being Transparent

My husband has been very open about his weight loss journey. However, most people don't know I started on this journey with him as well. That's because I had no desire to be that open and transparent with people. One area of my life I've always struggled with is my self-esteem. I've never seen myself as pretty, smart, or even worth being around. So, I convinced myself that no one would care that I was working to lose weight. No one would want to keep track of my journey. So, I kept it to myself. I would quietly keep track of my calories and weigh in every week. I have always been my husband's biggest cheerleader and he has always been mine. This journey has been no exception.

However, as part of my renewing, I have developed a greater sense of self. Do I think I'm beautiful? No. Do I think I'm better than anyone else? Absolutely not! However, I do realize I am pretty (and that's all thanks to my husband for making me realize my value), I realize I am smart..not a genius but intelligent, and I am worth being around. Does that mean I spend time surrounded by friends? No. Most of my time is spent either at work, at home with my daughter (time very well spent) or home with my husband (which is time even more well spent). So, I have decided I will start blogging about my weight loss journey. No, I won't post pictures of the reading on the scale on weigh-in day. I'm not quite ready for that. However, I am going to share my successes and failures in my weight loss journey as well as my trip through life. Hopefully it won't bore you but maybe be a bit of an inspiration to someone.

So, here goes. I have been seriously working to lose weight since January. I haven't had a potato chip since October (and if you know me well, you know that's a hard one for me!), I've only had ice cream twice during that time. I've walked more than I ever did before, I find myself thinking about what is going into my mouth and being aware of the calories in everything I eat and drink. I look at labels to compare brands. I know what things I need to keep out of my diet, what things I can have on special occasions and what things I can have as often as I like. I track every calorie I take in as well as the exercise I do every day. It's a good way to really focus on how much I'm taking in. I haven't lost nearly as much as my husband has. I have up and down weight weeks. But I know it's all going to work in the end. So, I press on. Thursday is weigh in day. Anxious to see what this week brings. Hoping for a good loss. Prepared for a gain. Either way, I'll let you know...and then I'll continue on my journey. Maybe someone is interested in my progress.

♥ Brenda

Is There a Right Way to Worship?

Some people worship with their eyes closed. Some raise their hands. Some move to the rhythm of the music. Some sit silently and pray. So I ask you, is there a right way and a wrong way to worship? I believe the right way to worship is the way God calls each individual to worship. If God calls me to stand and sing, I will. If He tells me to sit and pray, I will. If He tells me to raise a hand, I will. But I believe it's wrong to expect someone to worship one way just because you do. Don't judge the way others worship. You worship your way and I'll worship mine.

Just what God laid on my heart today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What Did You Say?

I've had a verse rolling through my brain for a few days now. OK, to be honest, it's been in my mind and heart for about 17 years. It's a verse we used at Prairie Camp counselor training every summer. My former counselors will remember hearing about "silver boxes" and most likely remember the video we watched every summer. Giving people "silver boxes" is sharing kind words, words that will encourage them rather than tear them down. Throughout the summer, we would simply need to walk by and quietly say, "Is that a silver box?" It was extremely effective for many summers. Since then, I have thought about silver boxes when I would hear people say harsh things to others. I also think of it when I hear some people talk in ways that would make sailors blush. (I know, sailor get a really bad reputation).

Ephesians 4:29 in The Message version says, "Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift." I have this verse highlighted in every version of the Bible app I have on my phone. I read it often. I think of it daily.

So, I ask you this question and hope you will ponder it carefully. What words are coming out of your mouth? Are they building people up or tearing them down? I am working hard to make an effort to make sure that the words that come out of my mouth are building up the hearers. If you catch me saying something that might not be considered a gift, feel free to ask me, "Is that a silver box?" I promise I won't be offended.

♥ Brenda

Monday, September 16, 2013

Of Icebergs and Tree Roots

You may ask what icebergs and tree roots have in common. Icebergs and tree roots both have their stability underground, unseen by human eyes. Without what's seemingly invisible, what's on the surface could never stand. You also may ask what they have to do with being a renewed woman. Ask yourself this. How grounded in God's word is your heart and mind? I'm going to tell you that I lack in this area badly. However, I have chosen to replant myself, to stretch my roots out into deeper ground. When we ask God to strengthen our roots, He is faithful to help us find that solid ground into which we can plant those roots. I'm not saying it's an easy road. Making changes in life that are imperative for further growth are not always easy. However, it's the most rewarding feeling. My biggest change of late seems to be on the outside as I've gone from being a blonde to being a vibrant redhead. However, I can assure you the biggest change is deep on the inside. God has made changes in my life that I can't explain. However, I know these changes are going to stick. I look forward to continuing to update you on my progress and hopefully help you make changes you may need to make.


Sunday, September 15, 2013


Thanks for stopping by. I will be filling you in on things God is teaching me through daily experiences, Scriptures and anything else God lays on my heart. I'm a wife and mom who has struggled in my life. I am overcoming those struggles. No, I'm not a profound thinker. But I can think and I can share my thoughts. I hope you will be inspired to renew yourself as I have. Blessings
