I've had a verse rolling through my brain for a few days now. OK, to be honest, it's been in my mind and heart for about 17 years. It's a verse we used at Prairie Camp counselor training every summer. My former counselors will remember hearing about "silver boxes" and most likely remember the video we watched every summer. Giving people "silver boxes" is sharing kind words, words that will encourage them rather than tear them down. Throughout the summer, we would simply need to walk by and quietly say, "Is that a silver box?" It was extremely effective for many summers. Since then, I have thought about silver boxes when I would hear people say harsh things to others. I also think of it when I hear some people talk in ways that would make sailors blush. (I know, sailor get a really bad reputation).
Ephesians 4:29 in The Message version says, "Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift." I have this verse highlighted in every version of the Bible app I have on my phone. I read it often. I think of it daily.
So, I ask you this question and hope you will ponder it carefully. What words are coming out of your mouth? Are they building people up or tearing them down? I am working hard to make an effort to make sure that the words that come out of my mouth are building up the hearers. If you catch me saying something that might not be considered a gift, feel free to ask me, "Is that a silver box?" I promise I won't be offended.
♥ Brenda
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