Today was a busy day at Dollar General. I had a wide variety of customers come in - lots of the regulars, kids from the neighborhood, people from our neighborhood, people traveling through, etc. Two families that came in brought me to the point where I audibly heard God say, "I want you to write about how to treat children."
Ok, I've always had an intense love for children. I've helped with children's Sunday School since I was 10. I've been an aunt for almost 33 years. I've been a mom for more than 22. I've been a Grandma for almost 21 months. I've be a summer camp director, Sunday School teacher, Bible quizzing coach, teacher, tutor, and babysitter. I've done all these things because of my love for children.
Today I heard words spoken to children that broke my heart. One set of parents had their son who was around 4 or 5 years old. He was a cute little boy. Clothes were clean, he had sweet little chubby cheeks that seemed to glow when he smiled at me. However, as they walked through the store, I could hear lots of, "Get your butt over here!" and "Why can't you control your son?" I felt so sorry for that poor little boy because everyone in the store could hear it. It just broke my heart.

There was also a Grandma with her 5 and 3 year old granddaughters. During the 15-20 minutes they were in the store, Grandma was constantly yelling at them. She kept threatening to "beat your butt" and telling them to behave or they'd "be sorry." But the straw that broke the camel's back was when they were coming up to the cash register. At this point, Grandma said, "You're going to drive me to drinking! Quit it!!" My heart sank. I wanted to snatch those precious girls up and give them love. I was so close to risking the last 3 weeks of my summer job by telling this woman off. But God kept me quiet and reminded me how I was going to respond.
So, here is my challenge to you...whether you're a mom, grandma, aunt, cousin, big sister, teacher, bus driver, neighbor...anything else, PLEASE show respect and love to the children in your care or who cross your path. Children were never meant to enter into a parent's life just to be a tax deduction. If that's why you had children, you had them for the wrong reason. If you can't show love to your grandkids, then don't offer to watch them. Treasure each moment you have with your children. Those days fly by fast. Before you know it, they're getting married, having kids, joining the Army, etc. Then it will be too late. Be there for them. Support them. Let them know they matter. Take time to teach them manners. Help them learn right from wrong. Give them your time. Give them your attention.
But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:26
Parents, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
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