As I reach my last week of my summer job, I've started thinking about what I've accomplished. I start wondering if I've made any kind of difference. I start asking myself if I've served the purpose I was supposed to serve. Here's what I've come up with:
I've worked hard and persevered through pain every day to do things my doctor says I can't do. I went in every day and showed my boss I wasn't afraid to work. She know about my torn rotator cuff and kept telling me not to do any more than I could do easily. I told her I could do what needed to be done. I didn't give up!
I've been a welcoming smile to every customer that walked through the door. No matter how I was feeling, I greeted them warmly, helped them when needed and asked them to come back. They always started their shopping experience with a smile and ended it just the same. Who knows how many friendly greetings they received the rest of their day. I'm proud to say I made sure they at least got one.
I've built relationships with lots of regular customers. The one I'll miss the most is Miss Carol. She comes in every day for the newspaper. Once in awhile she buys a few other things. Mostly just the newspaper. She's a precious lady. She's a smoker. She's been battling a nasty cough. Today I told her that it didn't sound too good. She said, "I know. It's the cigarettes." I said, "Well, you know what to do about that." She said she knows she needs to quit. I can talk plainly to her. She's shared with me about family issues. She knows I pray. She wants me to pray for her. So I do. And she knows it. She gives me a hug most days and tells me she loves me. I love you too, Miss Carol!

Perhaps the biggest way I feel like I've made a difference there is with spare change. I've gotten into the habit of keeping loose change in my pocket. Usually just pennies and nickels, sometimes I'll have dimes and quarters, too. When customers are just a bit short or they would end up getting a handful of change back, I'll pull some change out and tell them it's all good. Some have just thanked me. Some have asked how they can pay me back. I always tell them, "Don't pay me back. Pay it forward." Many have been shocked that I would do that. I know many cashiers would probably expect them to put something back so they had enough money. If I can minister to people a few cents at a times, I'll do that. The best one was a man who came in yesterday. He was digging change out of his pocket to find enough to pay for his items. He seemed embarrassed. He said, "I'm so sorry. It's the day before payday." He was 11 cents short of what he needed. I pulled the change out of my pocket, took the money he had and gave him his receipt. He asked how he could pay me back. I said, "You can't. But you can pay it forward." I explained that he could help someone ahead of him in line when they were a bit short of the amount needed. He assured me he would do that and be sure to tell them it was because of the cashier at Dollar General. I said, "Just tell them it's what God wants you to do." He smiled and said, "I always want to do what makes God happy!" Today I helped a young mom buy a few jars of baby food and a bottle for her baby. She was a dime short. Guess what was in my pocket? Yep, a dime.
There have been many days I wished I didn't have to go to work. I had so many other things I wanted to do this summer. I had so many parts of our house I wanted to reorganize. But, I've accomplished a lot at home plus made a difference in my community. Besides, I have time next week and the following week to work hard at home. Injured shoulder? That's no excuse to not work hard! If God tells you to do it, you do!
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