I'm devoted to my husband. I'm devoted to my family. These people are way at the top of my list of priorities. I'm devoted to being at work every day I need to be. I'm devoted to taking care of our home, cooking meals, being sure we have food to eat, visiting my neighbor every Tuesday, and the list goes on.
Then this voice asked, "You're devoted to many things. Are you devoted to Me?" *Gulp* Well, I try hard to be. I mean, I read the Bible every day. In fact, I'm on my third time reading through the Bible in a year. I have devotions every morning and every evening. I pray every day. Then this question came: "Does 'going through the motions' mean the same as 'devotion'? Whoa!
The dictionary says devotion means "profound dedication or consecration; earnest attachment to a cause, person, etc.; an assignment or appropriation to any purpose, cause, etc." Well, that sure changes my answer to the question I was asked.
I couldn't help but think of the number of times I'd been reading the Bible but thinking about what I needed to do when I was finished reading for the day. Or I'd be having my morning devotions thinking about what tasks I needed to accomplish that day. I thought about the times I'd just mute the TV while I did my daily Bible reading rather than turn it off...or wait to turn it on until my reading was done. I thought about all those times I'd see a prayer request from a friend on Facebook and tell them I'd be praying. But then I never remembered to actually pray for them.

Recently, my husband and I watched the movie War Room. It was a tremendous movie! We live in a little house with small closets. I don't have a place I could make into my war room. Besides, I spend more hours awake at work than I do at home. So I've decided my desk area will be my war room. I get into my classroom 30 minutes before students begin arriving. I have lunch at my desk. I have 30 minutes after my last class that I'm at my desk. I have prayer requests taped all around my computer and desk area. I pray over them all throughout the day. I will continue to do that. They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. Yesterday was day 1. In 20 days, I hope that this all comes naturally to me. I hope that it seems normal to spend the first chunk of time at home in the evening sitting in silence listening to God speak to me as I read His Word. I hope I don't have to stick notes all over to remind me to pray for people. I hope I don't have to work so hard to tune life out while I focus on Christ and my devotion to him. TV, text messages and computer games can wait. First, I need to show Jesus that I am devoted to him and not just going through the motions. I urge you to join me.
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