Monday, July 30, 2018
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Such a Time as This
If I said my summer job has been a walk in the park, I’d be lying. It’s a lot of wear and tear on my body at times. It’s having to say no to people when my heart wants to help them. It’s knowing I’m completely different from my coworkers. There have been many days I’ve questioned my purpose in being there. There have been days I felt so unappreciated that I felt like giving up. But I don’t give up. Today, I found my purpose in being there. Today, with just two work days left before I get ready to go back to school, my purpose showed up.
Most of my coworkers are much younger than me. Only one is older. Today, one of the young girls came back from lunch in tears. Friends, let’s face it...sometimes life just stinks. Sometimes all the bad stuff hits at the same time. A few of us were at that point today. It was a rough day. You could feel it in the atmosphere. And this sweet young lady was hurting. She simply walked up to me and said, “Can I have a hug?” I hugged her and she simply wept. After a minute or so, I said, “Would you mind if I prayed for you? Because, you know that’s what I do.” She said she was fine with that so I did. We stood there hugging and crying together as I prayed. Afterwards, she thanked me and I told her I needed that moment today. I admitted I was struggling to feel like I had a purpose there but had just found it.
Friends, if I’ve worked through this whole summer for 5 minutes on July 24, so be it. Those moments were so worth it. Your purpose may not be revealed to you right away, but God will put you in the right place to fulfill your purpose when He needs you too. Remember, Esther didn’t find out her purpose in becoming Queen immediately. She went through some struggles first. If you’re like me and struggling to see your purpose, hang tight! It’ll show up when you least expect it.