As a little girl, I always had heaven pictured like the balcony at Cedar Road Missionary Church where I grew up. I really don’t know why. There was nothing particularly ethereal or grandiose about the space. But it was a space that was a big part of my life. I pictured Jesus standing underneath the wood arched ceiling.
As I grew up, I imagined heaven looking more like a disco studio with bright gold streets and everything around me glittering. I saw Jesus with a glowing gold orb around his head. Just chalk it up to growing up in the 70s and 80s.
As an adult, I seem to focus my attention more on what my reactions will be when I get to heaven rather than what it looks like. Clearly I’m not the only one. You see, I think we often like to think we know just how we’ll respond in any given situation. But entering heaven may not be so easy to predict.
Oftentimes I’ve pictured entering heaven and running into the waiting arms of my grandparents. I’ve envisioned seeing my dear childhood friend again. I imagine sitting at the feet of Jesus asking him every question I’ve ever wanted to ask.
But then I realize I really don’t know what it will be like. I’d like to think I’ll walk right up to Jesus and thank him. I’d love to believe that I’ll worship openly in his presence. But the reality of it is that I’m sure I’ll be in such awe, captivated by his presence that I imagine myself being completely frozen. Kind of like if I ever had the chance to meet Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith or any other celebrity.
The fact is, none of us know how we will act or feel when we enter the presence of Jesus. But one day we’ll all find out. Some of us will hear him say “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of my presence” while others will hear him say, “Away from me! I never knew you!” I know which group I’m in. Do you? If not, I’d love to chat with you!
❤️ Brenda
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